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Saturday 28 October 2017

Board Game With Preschool Children

A few months ago, we introduced Mr Four to play board games. We started with easy game, like snakes and ladders, then we moved on to harder game like monopoly. Because board games are rich in learning opportunity, the result of playing board games together is incredible. Mr Four has developed many skills in the past few months. Here are some examples. 

Following instructions. Children learn how to play a board game by following the instruction. They have to wait to their turn, roll the dice, pick a card, move the bit around the board, etc. There are rules in the games that they need to follow, the same as in real life. Board games allow children to experience rules, learn rules and negotiate with others when rules need to be modified.

Math skills. Counting the number on the dice, counting when they move their bits, adding numbers, reading numbers on the board, etc. Not every board game requires math, but a vast number of them do. Playing games will give children practice, improving their math skills and probable setting them up for STEM careers down the road.

Social and language skills. When we play games together we have to communicate with others, waiting, taking turns, and enjoying interaction with others. Board games offer opportunities for them to learn these important social skills. In real life, we are living in  a complex society. Board games can help children understand more about the world around them in much more simple ways and  within boundaries. 

Emotional skills. Some children play games very seriously. When Mr Four's piece fall down the snake, he feels very sad. When his piece goes up the ladder, he is very happy. Board games give a lot of opportunities for children to learn how to cope with these up and down feelings. Very young children, like Mr Four, sometime feel it is very important for them to win (and sometime we let them). Later on we try to play with "fair play", children can develop sense of fairness and it is ok if they don't win all the time. 

Family bonding time. What children want most is to be with you and spending time together. They want you to take pleasure in them, play with them, and listen to them. Board game is a perfect solution for this. We spend time together, we talk, we laugh and most of all we have fun!
It's very important to choose the age appropriate board game for children. Very young children tend to have short attention span and limited motor skills. Choose a game with simple rules, easy to understand and play and meet with their interest can give them hours of fun family time. 

What is your favorite board game? Ours is Peppa Pig Monopoly Junior. Let's see how we play it on the video. 



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